Home News Archives Technology VGCC South Campus offers Computer classes

VGCC South Campus offers Computer classes

Several computer-related courses will begin in May at Vance-Granville Community College’s South Campus , located on N.C. 56 between Creedmoor and Butner.

Michael Bacon will teach the “Beginner’s Guide to Computers and the Internet” on Monday evenings from 6 until 10 p.m., May 18 through June 29. This is the perfect first class for students who have limited knowledge of computers. Microsoft Windows XP will be used to introduce novice students to the common components and many uses of personal computers through the Windows environment. Additionally, students will explore web sites by using a browser, learn how to access information on the Internet by using search engines, and send and receive e-mail messages.

Bacon will also teach a course on the 2007 versions of the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel software programs. Students will explore the new look and new features of the word processing and spreadsheet programs. Students can choose to take the course in one of two different sessions: on Wednesdays from 6 until 10 p.m., May 20 through June 24, and on Fridays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., May 22 through June 25.

A class on the popular QuickBooks bookkeeping software will be offered on Thursdays from 6 until 10 p.m., May 21 through July 2. David Richardson will be the instructor for the course.

Finally, “Beginner’s Typing” will help area residents learn the basic skill needed for most computer work. The course runs from May 26 through July 21 on Tuesdays from 6 until 9 p.m.

The cost for each course is $55 plus applicable fees.

For more information and to register for one or more of these classes, call South Campus Director Jason Snelling at (919) 528-4737.