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VGCC Board Approves Budget for Athletic Programs at College

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees held its bimonthly meeting on Monday, July 21 at the college’s Henderson campus.

Ninth District Superior Court Judge Henry W. Hight swore in retired businessman Donald C. Seifert, Sr. and retired business manager Sara C. Wester, both of Henderson, to serve another four-year term on the VGCC Board of Trustees. Seifert was appointed by the Vance County Board of Education. Wester was appointed by the Vance County Commissioners. Both will serve terms though 2012.

Later in the evening, the Board voted to approve a recommendation from the nominating committee to reaffirm Seifert as chairman of the Board, real estate appraiser David Brooks of Oxford as vice-chairman and retired educator Henrietta H. Clark of Henderson as secretary. Brooks’s term will end in 2011. Clark’s term will end in 2009.

The Board also voted to approve an athletic budget for 2008-2009. This budget will provide funding for men’s basketball, women’s volleyball, and men’s and women’s golf. The funds for the athletic programs will come from student activity fees and other institutional funds.

Vice President of Finance and Operations Matt Williams announced to the Board that on September 9, VGCC will be participating in a crisis management exercise in cooperation with hospitals, emergency management and law enforcement officials in Vance and Granville counties. Students, faculty and staff on VGCC’s Main Campus will be involved in this exercise, according to Williams.

As approved at the Feb. 25 called meeting of the Board, the Facilities Master Plan, a ten-year proposed plan to meet the building and growth needs of the college, now goes into phase one project planning. At the March 17 meeting, the Board agreed to authorize the administration and the Building Committee to move forward with steps for planning the initial projects. As part of this process, the Board heard plans Monday night to purchase land adjacent to the Warren County Campus.

In other business, the Board voted to approve the 2007-2008 Budget Resolution which would amend the budget $350,008, making the current budget $38,185,447. The Board also voted to approve the 2008-2009 student fee charges, which included a campus security fee of $0.75 per credit hour up to 16 semester hours and $1.00 per course for Community and Economic Development classes. These will be used to fund increased security at the college.

The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, September 15 at 7 p.m. in the board room on Main Campus.