Home News Archives General Newly Certified Welders Bring VGCC Total to 565

Newly Certified Welders Bring VGCC Total to 565

Seven Welding Technology students at Vance-Granville Community College recently earned their national certification through the American Welding Society, bringing to 565 the total number of certified welders produced by VGCC since the college started its program in 1972.

The newly certified welders include Keith Brownson, Lee Hawley, James Hawkins, Darryl Marrow and Matt Pendergrass, all of Henderson; Tyler Moore of Louisburg and Barry Humphries of Rougemont.

Students took the practical welding examination on July 24. Their test welds were then sent to Professional Service Industries of Greensboro for x-ray examinations to find any imperfections. Mike McCraw of PSI, whose company deals with welding programs at several community colleges in North Carolina and Virginia, congratulated VGCC on a 100 percent passing rate this year.

Russell “Rusty” Pace of Franklinton is the instructor and head of VGCC’s Welding Technology program, of which he is also a graduate.

For more information on Welding at VGCC, call Pace at (252) 738-3375 or vocational counselor Herbert Washington at (252) 738-3228. Registration for new students interested in Welding will be held on the college’s four campuses, Aug. 12-14, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. The college’s fall semester begins Aug. 19.

Above: Newly certified welders in VGCC’s Welding program include, front (from left), Lee Hawley, Tyler Moore, James Hawkins and Keith Brownson; back (from left), Welding program head Rusty Pace with welders Darryl Marrow, Barry Humphries and Matt Pendergrass.(VGCC Photo)