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At age 88, Oxford woman Goes to College

As a diverse group of students at Vance-Granville Community College began registering for their fall classes on July 21, Dorothy Rogers of Oxford — 88 years young — stood out from the rest. “I’ve always loved to learn,” an enthusiastic Rogers said. “I’ve never felt anybody got too old to learn.”

Growing up during the Great Depression, Rogers always wanted to go to college. When she finished high school, she went to King’s Business College in Raleigh and learned secretarial and bookkeeping skills before going to work. After she and her daughter, Barbara Rogers, both had retired, she felt that now was her chance to go back to school. Barbara graduated from VGCC with a business computer programming degree in the 1980s, and has recently taken computer courses while her mother is in her classes. Dorothy lives with Barbara and depends on her to drive her to the college.

Rogers said she chose VGCC because its main campus was convenient from Oxford and because of the quality of the education. She successfully completed English and Writing courses in the spring of 2008. “I had the best time. I loved every minute of it,” Rogers said. “The funny thing was that I was in a class full of teenagers, and I’m 88!”

Now, Rogers has enrolled for another semester, with an official major: Associate in General Education. The A.G.E. allows Rogers to select a variety of courses that suit her interests and needs. “I’m not interested in a new career, I’m just interested in learning,” she said. On July 21, Rogers registered for “Public Speaking” and “Professional Research & Reporting.” When Rogers told her nephew she would be taking Public Speaking, he asked her, “What are you going to do, run for mayor?” Rogers responded, “No, for president!” A Sunday School teacher for the past 70 years, Rogers actually wanted to take Public Speaking to help her project when speaking to her adult class. “I tell my Sunday School class to come up here to Vance-Granville with me. It’s just the best place in the world,” she said.

Students who want to join Rogers at VGCC can register Tuesday, Aug. 12 through Thursday, Aug. 14 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Anyone with questions about registration at VGCC should contact the college’s main campus at (252) 492-2061 or visit any of the other campuses for more information. The Fall 2008 semester begins Tuesday, Aug. 19.

Above: VGCC student Dorothy Rogers (right) talks with her advisor, Director of Counseling Daniel Alvarado, while registering for fall classes on July 21. Registration continues Aug. 12-14. (VGCC photo)