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VGCC Students Create Books for Day Care Children

Basic Skills students at Vance-Granville Community College recently became authors as part of their studies. Students in Doris Creech’s class wrote short books for children, which they illustrated either with pictures they drew themselves or with pictures cut out from magazines. On March 5, student-authors Peggy McGohan, Ellen Seward, Marvin Williams, Valeda Glover, Lisa Britt, Daniel Wilkerson and Shirley Scott shared these books with two-year-old and three-year-old students at the Day Care Center on VGCC’s main campus. All the authors are working toward a GED (General Educational Development).

VGCC Director of Basic Skills Sue Grissom said that the project is one example of how the college’s Basic Skills programs are “participative, innovative and fun.” Grissom added, “Our instructors, in each of our sites, are constantly looking for ways to make GED, Adult High School, ESL, and Compensatory Education exciting! In this case, I don’t know which group obtained the greatest pleasure from this assignment, the children from the day care center or the students from Mrs. Creech’s class!”

Both GED and Adult High School diploma classes are offered at all four of VGCC’s campuses. Anyone interested in obtaining a GED or high school diploma, or improving their basic skills through online learning, should call Sue Grissom at (252) 492-2061, ext. 3315, for more information.

Above: Ellen Seward of Manson, who is working toward a GED at Vance-Granville Community College, reads her book to two-year-olds in the Day Care Center on VGCC’s Main Campus. (VGCC photo)