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VGCC Announces New Opportunity for High School Students

A new state program is enhancing Vance-Granville Community College’s partnerships with local high schools, by allowing public high school students to earn college credits through online classes at no cost to them or their families. VGCC is one of 44 community colleges and approximately 287 high schools currently participating in Learn & Earn Online, an initiative created by Gov. Mike Easley and the North Carolina General Assembly last year.

“This is another opportunity for our high school students to get a head start, by starting college early,” said Dr. Angela Ballentine, VGCC’s Vice President of Instruction. Ballentine noted that the college already offers Dual Enrollment, which allows high school students to take classes at the college, and Huskins Bill cooperative programs with local school systems, in which VGCC instructors teach college-level courses for high school students.

Students will take Learn & Earn Online classes at their school, as part of the regular school day, or at home. Courses are taught by VGCC faculty, and when students satisfactorily complete an online course, they may receive both high school and college credit. The college credit will transfer to VGCC and other community colleges, as well as most four-year universities, depending on the specific course.

Public high school students at all grade levels may be eligible to take Learn & Earn Online courses; however, college requirements and prerequisites for courses will apply. A variety of introductory-level courses are offered online by VGCC, in subjects including Accounting, Biology, Business, History, Government, Psychology, Sociology, Computers, Criminal Justice, Writing and Statistics.

Participating local high schools will provide computers and rooms in which students can access VGCC’s online classes, along with a lab facilitator. The facilitator is available to assist students working on their classes online — for example, three students taking English, two taking math, and another three taking history, side by side.

Tuition is waived for students taking Learn & Earn Online courses. College and course fees are paid by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, and college textbooks are provided through local school systems.
“Students love this,” according to Antonio Jordan, director of High School Partnership Programs for the North Carolina Community College System. “Parents love this. Who wouldn’t love the chance to earn a whole semester or even a whole year’s college credit in high school? Think of all the tuition that’s saving.”

“Learn & Earn Online is a new example of VGCC’s longstanding commitment to serve not only adult learners but also high school students in our area,” VGCC President Randy Parker said. “Preparing our high school students for higher education and for the global economy is an important part of our mission as a community college.”

For more information about qualifying for Learn & Earn Online, students in area public high schools and their parents should talk with their school guidance counselors. Call VGCC Director of Counseling Daniel Alvarado at (252) 738-3282 or visit the following websites for more details: VGCC’s Learn & Earn Online site (http://vgcc.springerstudios.net/learn_earn.htm) and the community college system website (http://vlc.nccommunitycolleges.edu/LaE/).