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New VGCC Class Helps People Use Computers to find Jobs

There is more to finding, getting or creating a meaningful, long-term and well-paying job than simply filling out an application or sending in a generic resume. A new Vance-Granville Community College class, “Introduction to Computers for Job Seekers,” will teach area residents how to use the Internet, e-mail, and Microsoft Word to help them prepare to get the jobs they want.

The class will meet at H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library in Henderson on Monday afternoons from 3:30-6:30 p.m., beginning on Nov. 19 and ending on Feb. 4, 2008, with breaks during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Students will use the Internet and Microsoft Word to create a “job journal” that will serve as a self-assessment tool. The job journal will help guide them to appropriate lines of work and prepare them to confidently answer interview questions and interact with potential contacts and employers.

Students will learn to research jobs, careers and self-employment opportunities and explore various types of websites for job openings. They will fill out job applications, create resumes and prepare cover letters. Finally, students will work in teams, taking turns playing interviewer and interviewee, so that they can learn what it takes to make a good impression on future employers.

The class is free to qualified applicants. For more information and to pre-register, call Laura Peace at (252) 738-3417 or the library at (252) 438-3316.