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VGCC Day Care Center holds Teddy Bear Parade

The Day Care Center at Vance-Granville Community College’s Main Campus held its traditional Teddy Bear Parade in the campus courtyard on Sept. 21.

“We’ve done the Teddy Bear parade for about eight years now,” said Day Care Center manager Denise Gill. “The parade is the culmination of a week-long unit on Teddy Bears. The kids were involved in all types of creative learning activities involving bears through the week. They read bear stories, sang bear songs, painted bears, learned what bears like to eat, where they live and about the different kinds of bears. Then, on Friday morning, we celebrated with the parade.”

The young students, dressed in a variety of costumes, brought in their favorite teddy bears from home to march with them. Each class was also asked to design and decorate a wagon as a float. A large number of family members attended the parade, some even marching themselves. After the parade, the children were treated to a special ice cream dessert with their lunch.