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VGCC Student selected for Leadership Program

Vance-Granville Community College student Theresa Chiplis of Norlina is among just 29 students from across the state who have been selected to participate in the 2013-2014 North Carolina Community College Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP). Since 1999, the program has been conducted by the N.C. Community College System to enhance the leadership quality of student participants and to better prepare them for professional and civic responsibilities. Staff members include graduates of the program such as VGCC alumna Rachel Pottern of Wake Forest, who was a student participant in 2012-2013 and was a co-facilitator this year.


The SLDP kicked off this summer, when Chiplis (pictured above) and her fellow participants met for an intensive session at William Peace University in Raleigh from June 2-7. Students attended workshops on leadership skills and team-building during the day, and then put their knowledge into practice by working on a group project at night. Each group of students was tasked with developing a 50-minute presentation for students. Chiplis’ eight-person group prepared an anti-bullying workshop, which she plans to present to VGCC students this fall.


“The experience was life changing in that they taught us first, how to be leaders and second, in being leaders, how to be great leaders,” Chiplis said. “We learned a lot about personality types and how to handle the pro and cons of each,” she said. “I was very blessed to be put into the ‘Red Group,’ because although our personalities and leadership styles differed, we were able to work together well. The SLDP was an epic experience for which I was proud to be chosen and will forever shape how I am as a leader.” She added that her group won a contest involving writing articles for the program newsletter.


Guest speakers during the session included N.C. Community College System president Dr. Scott Ralls. “He was very insightful, genuine, and funny,” Chiplis recalled. “He spoke about his journey to his position and the power of networks, and he also asked us to talk about our journeys.” Another favorite speaker was Central Piedmont Community College instructor Juliet Laughlin, whom Chiplis introduced. During the week, participants also visited the N.C. General Assembly.


Students will meet again for two-day mini-sessions in the fall and in the spring before graduating.


Chiplis is a student in the Global Logistics Technology , Accounting , and Business Administration programs at VGCC and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society. She has served as a student ambassador and as president of the VGCC chapter of the Phi Beta Lambda business student organization. She is set to graduate in May 2014 and is already employed by consulting firm Cyreonix as a result of a job interview at a VGCC Career Day event.