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New Library is New VGCC Location

One of the newest landmarks in Henderson is also a new location for a course taught by Vance-Granville Community College. VGCC Computer Center coordinator Laura Peace said that she is excited by a new partnership between the college and the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library, at its new location on Breckenridge Street in Henderson.

“The library is beautiful,” Peace said, “and we are excited that we can partner with the library to adapt to the needs of our community.” A “Beginners’ Guide to Computers and the Internet,” a course for the general public, was first offered at the library starting on Saturday, Sept. 16. After Peace and the library announced the course, the response was so overwhelming that a second class of the same type, held on Wednesday afternoons starting on Sept. 20, had to be offered to meet the demand. A third series will begin on Saturday, Oct. 28.

“We’ve known for a long time that our patrons needed basic computer courses,” Library Director Jeanne Fox said, “but we didn’t have room to teach them in the old library. As we were designing the new library, we knew that we wanted a small computer lab in addition to the public access computers. That way, the lab could be used for a Vance-Granville course or for another group, without disturbing the other people using the public access computers.” Fox and others talked with Laura Peace, a longtime library supporter, about offering a basic computer course in which VGCC would provide the instruction, and the library would provide the computers, software and convenient space.

“The people coming out of our first class seemed so invigorated and enthusiastic,” Fox added. “Many of them were seniors who hadn’t learned much about computers before. They couldn’t wait for the next class.” Fox said that library hoped to continue the VGCC partnership and possibly branch out into other types of courses, if patrons show interest.

Some members of the 12-person Wednesday afternoon class were motivated to sign up by the need for long-distance communication. “My son is in the military and was previously in Iraq all of last year,” said Millie Coghill of Henderson. “This [the Internet] is how I keep in touch with him.” Another student, Alice Watkins of Henderson, said she too wanted to be able to e-mail her son, who had moved far away. By taking the beginner’s course, Watkins also realized that being able to access the Internet opens up a whole new world of information, “like having Perry Library at home.” Lib Breedlove of Henderson agreed that the Internet accommodated her “insatiable thirst for knowledge.” Everyone seemed to agree with class member Rose Flannagan of Henderson’s reason for taking the course. “I’m computer illiterate, and I wanted to join the twenty-first century,” she said.

“I love my library groups,” VGCC instructor Angela Sabal of Virginia remarked. “They’re motivated and eager to learn.”

Anyone interested in taking classes at the library may sign up at the library or by calling VGCC at (252) 738-3417, Peace said. The cost of the course is $55, but fees may be waived under certain conditions.

Above: From left, Alice Watkins and Rose Flannagan learn more about computers and the Internet in the computer lab at H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library in Henderson.