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Sylvia Jones Nominated For State Staff Award

The VGCC Professional Advisory Committee has selected Sylvia Jones, coordinator of Workforce Investment Act and Class Size Projects, as the winner of the college’s Staff Award for 2003. Jones was chosen from among four nominees made by VGCC staff and faculty for the honor. Others nominated were Charles Brooks, custodian at South Campus; Anthony Grissom,  Read More

VGCC Radiography Student Excels In Statewide Competition

Lynsay Allen, a Radiography student at Vance-Granville Community College, put her art degree to work to capture honors in exhibit competition recently at the annual conference of the North Carolina Society of Radiologic Technologists. Allen’s exhibit, The Art of Radiography, took third place among about 40 entrants from around the state. Her tri-fold exhibit shows  Read More

VGCC Radiography Alumnus Speaks At Pinning Ceremony

It was just one year ago that Beverly Byrd graduated from Vance-Granville Community College with an associate degree in Radiography. On May 8, she returned to VGCC to be the principal speaker for the pinning ceremony for the 28 graduates of the 2003 Radiography class. A large crowd of family, friends and school personnel crowded  Read More

Spring Graduation: 2003

  Automotive Technology graduates listen intently as Lt. Gov. Perdue addresses the 34th commencement exercises at VGCC in the college’s 34th Commencement Exercises on the main campus at the gazebo on Tuesday, May 13. Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue is shown addresses graduating class, families and friends at VGCC’s Spring Graduation. Selena Burwell of Burwell crosses  Read More

Lt. Gov. Talks of Economy, Love, Learning With VGCC Graduates

The economy in the 21st century has changed, Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue told the spring graduating class at Vance-Granville Community College May 13, and she urged them to keep learning to succeed in it. “The job market of today and tomorrow will be based on brains, not brawn, minds, not muscle,” the state’s second highest  Read More

Interest, Diligence Help Win Honors For VGCC Electrical Tech. Student

Gerald Mullins is like many students in vocational programs at Vance-Granville Community College. He works full-time during the day and attends school evenings. In addition, Mullins drives all the way from Littleton to the VGCC main campus in western Vance County for classes. It was dedication like that, plus an “A” average that earned Mullins  Read More

State Honors 2 VGCC Students With Academic Achievement Awards

A mother of two who sold her part of a business to concentrate on her studies and a 4.0 student who volunteers at a hospital in his spare time have been named as Vance-Granville Community College’s Academic Achievement Award winners for 2003. Marcy Snow Wright of Franklinton and Phillip Morris Riggan of Henderson joined two  Read More

VGCC Names 25-Year Veteran Its 2003 Instructor Of The Year

Vance-Granville Community College has selected an English instructor known by her students to make classes exciting and challenging and respected by her peers as a willing volunteer as its Instructor of the Year for 2003. Crystal W. Brantley, a Warren County native who lives in Norlina, will represent Vance-Granville in the N.C. Community College System  Read More

VGCC Gives “More Bang For Buck” In Combined Computer Center Classes

Computer Center personnel at Vance-Granville Community College realize that economic times are difficult for many people in the college’s service area so they have combined several classes to provide more needed training for less money. The first of these combined classes will teach Power Point and designing Web pages with Front Page, or two graphics  Read More

VGCC Offers Nurse Aide II Class At Its Franklin County Campus

Certified nursing assistants who want to upgrade their credentials and employability should be interested in taking the Nurse Aide II class beginning May 19 at Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus. The class will meet on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 5 to 9:30 p.m. until Aug. 19 at the campus on N.C. 56 west  Read More