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VGCC Wants to Show Small Businesses the Money

Vance-Granville Community College’s Small Business Center will present a free seminar, entitled “Show Me the Money: Prosperity Principles for your Business,” on Tuesday, April 24. The seminar will be held from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. in room 7107 of Building 7 on the college’s main campus in Vance County. In the seminar, led by Dr. Barnsley Brown of Chapel Hill, participants will learn money-saving techniques and principles that can grow and prosper their small businesses, wiping out debt while raking in profits. Brown promises to help businesses and individuals achieve more success and prosperity in life and in work through this fun, interactive seminar.VGCC Small Business Center Director Diane Finch advised that space is limited for this free seminar. To reserve a seat, pre-register by calling the Small Business Center at (252) 492-2061, ext. 3239 or ext. 3240.