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VGCC Seminar Helps Women and Men Work Together

Men and women work differently and speak different languages at work, but that does not mean that working alongside the opposite sex cannot be done successfully. That is the premise of a free seminar being presented by Vance-Granville Community College’s Small Business Center on Thursday, May 3. The seminar, entitled “Women Working with Men,” will be held from 9 a.m. until Noon in room 7107 of Building 7 on the college’s main campus in Vance County. Instructor Mike Collins of Wake Forest will explain how to overcome obstacles that can create a difficult working environment, when added to all the other stressors in the workplace. Collins is the president of The Perfect Workday Company in Raleigh.VGCC Small Business Center Director Diane Finch advised that space is limited for this free seminar. To reserve a seat, pre-register by calling the Small Business Center at (252) 492-2061, ext. 3239 or ext. 3240.