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VGCC Board holds meeting at College

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees held its regular bimonthly meeting on Monday, January 25 at the college’s Henderson campus.

At that meeting, the Board voted to approve a mid-year amendment to the 2009-2010 Budget Resolution, making the College’s total combined amended 2009-2010 budget $ 42,831,459 .

Also during the meeting, Dr. Kathy Baker Smith, a retired Guilford Technical Community College official who is consulting with VGCC on the process of gathering information and planning, reported on the Community Forums which are currently underway in each of the four counties served by VGCC. These forums are being held to gather feedback from the community on how the college can better serve the area over the next five years.

Vice-President of Finance and Operations Matt Williams reported to the Board that VGCC is among six educational agencies and local governments in North Carolina that recently received grants to save energy. Gov. Bev Perdue’s office announced Jan. 6 the awarding of more than $860,700 in Federal Recovery Act funding for energy efficiency. The six grants mark the first distribution of money from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program in the state.

VGCC’s $130,836 grant will enable the college to complete the process of upgrading all college buildings on all four of its campuses with energy-efficient fluorescent light fixtures. The college is replacing outdated and inefficient lighting fixtures with state-of-the-art, energy-efficient fixtures. Energy-efficient light fixtures had already been installed in some of the college buildings, including all the facilities on VGCC’s Franklin County Campus. The grant will pay to complete the installation of the efficient “T-5” and “T-8” fluorescent lights on the college’s main campus in Vance County, the South Campus in Granville County and the Warren County Campus.

The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 7 p.m. at the dining hall for the VGCC Culinary program at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford.