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Quilters Have Fun With Colors In VGCC Workshop

A former area resident returned to Vance-Granville Community College Friday, Aug. 11, and led a workshop for 21 quilters who wanted to learn about how to make diamonds and how to use colors to make their creations more exciting.

Priscilla Hair, formerly of Norlina and co-founder of A.B. Hair Carpets, and who now lives in Easley, S.C., near Greenville, taught the day-long workshop, “Playing With Blocks.” The participants learned how to work with 60-degree diamonds, how to design them and how to use the designs.

“I’m showing the students how to use color to make their quilts more exciting,” Hair said. “I also stress to relax about colors and make them fun.”

Hair has been quilting 17 years and is basically self-taught, although she attends classes with accomplished quilters. She conducts workshops throughout the Southeast and also judges entries at quilting symposiums. Hair sells her own quilts through galleries and has several of her creations hanging in Southern museums.

While still living in Norlina in 1986, Hair joined with Kim Irwin, then VGCC’s visiting artist, VGCC quilting instructor Peggy Stocks, VGCC crafts instructor Frieda Haun and Carolyn Humphries to create a king-sized quilt, “Whimsical Sea,” which hangs in the college’s Student Support Services building.

Leo Kelly, VGCC dean of Continuing Education, is a quilter and participated in the Aug. 11 workshop. He said this first workshop was such a success, the school plans to offer more of them in the future.

Stocks teaches Continuing Education quilting classes at VGCC each semester. Morning classes on Wednesday and Thursday and an evening class on Wednesday are scheduled this fall. These classes are designed for beginning quilters as well as more experienced ones, she said.

Interested persons may find information in the Fall 2000 edition of ARCHES, may call Kelly’s office at (252) 492-2061 or visit the VGCC web site at vgcc.springerstudios.net .

In the photograph at above right, Priscilla Hair, right, instructor for the quilting workshop at Vance-Granville Community College Aug. 11, shows Mary Terry of Vaughan, Barbara Fuller of Henderson and Velvet Boyd of Warrenton, left to right, how to make colors more exciting in their quilts.

In the photograph at above left, Priscilla Hair, instructor for a quilting workshop at Vance-Granville Community College Aug. 11, shows the class some of the colorful quilts she has made in her 17 years of quilting. The former Norlina resident now lives in South Carolina and teaches workshops throughout the Southeast.