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New VGCC Scholarship will help students with special needs

A Vance-Granville Community College instructor’s experience as a mother and teacher recently led to the creation of a new college scholarship. Frankie Frink, a resident of Raleigh and a developmental English instructor at VGCC’s South Campus in Granville County, and her husband, Michael Frink Sr., have endowed the Matthew Frink Academic Achievement Scholarship in honor of their younger son. The Frinks were the special guests at the VGCC Endowment Fund board of directors meeting on Feb. 23, when the new scholarship was announced.


“Matthew suffers from a disease called Tuberous Sclerosis, which causes various health and developmental problems,” Frankie Frink said. “Needless to say, school is very difficult for Matthew. He must work extra hard to succeed. Watching him struggle made me more aware of the needs of the students I teach and advise who have similar issues.” Frink recalled that a bright student of hers had a reading disability that resulted in lengthening the time it took to complete a degree. “As a result, this student’s parents experience a financial burden that many other parents don’t have to incur,” Frink said. “This family’s predicament made my husband and me realize that we have an obligation to help others like our son, Matthew.”


The Matthew Frink Scholarship will be awarded to students in any VGCC curriculum program who have developmental or medical issues that prevent them from, at times, fully participating in the educational experience. For more information, contact the VGCC Endowment office at (252) 738-3409.


Above: From left, Michael Frink Sr., Michael Frink II, Frankie Frink, Matthew Frink, VGCC Endowment Fund Board vice-chairman Robert Hubbard of Henderson and college president Randy Parker, pictured at the VGCC Endowment Fund Board meeting on Feb. 23. (VGCC Photo)