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Free VGCC Workshop Will Show How Customer Service Can Make Difference

Show Me The Money, Honey,” is the title of a workshop to help business people improve customer service. It will be held Wednesday, March 12, at Vance-Granville Community College.

The free workshop will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. in Room 9209 on VGCC’s main campus in Vance County.

Tim Dannelly of Edenton will lead the workshop. He is a professional in management, sales, public relations, broadcast and entertainment who conducts seminars and training workshops on sales techniques all over America.

Consumers ask, “Is this simply another product or is there a certain added quality in service attached with doing business here?” Dannelly said. He promises to show you how to convince potential customers that the service offered by your business makes shopping with you worthwhile.

Dannelly said he show workshop attendees how to turn demanding shoppers into happy buyers. He’ll also explore positive ways to handle irate customers, and you’ll learn how to encourage return business, have more fun at work and make more money.

The VGCC Small Business Center is sponsoring this workshop. For more information and to register, call the SBC at 252-492-2061, ext. 3437 or 3417.