Home News Archives Inspiring speaker, music highlight Martin Luther King celebration at VGCC

Inspiring speaker, music highlight Martin Luther King celebration at VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College held its annual celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20 in the college’s Civic Center.

The theme of the event was “The Courage to Dream, The Determination to Achieve.” Serving as keynote speaker was Kanika Turrentine, founder and CEO of the Henderson-based non-profit organization, Infinite Possibilities, Inc. Through her organization, Turrentine has developed and implemented numerous programs and outreach events for targeted groups such as single mothers, at-risk youth, the homeless, and victims of domestic and sexual violence.

Turrentine challenged VGCC students and other young people to carry on Dr. King’s legacy of courageous service. “My hope today is to inspire you,” she said. “The world is waiting for you. Either stand in faith or fall in fear.”

The speaker recalled a quotation from King: “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'”

The VGCC event had a service component itself, as attendees were encouraged to bring non-perishable food items, which will be donated to the Henderson-based charitable organization, Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS).

In her remarks, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of VGCC, said the food drive component was fitting for an event honoring King. “Dr. King reminded us that ‘everybody can be great…because everybody can serve,’” Williams said. She praised the commitment to serve found among the college faculty and staff, students who take part in service projects and VGCC alumni who go on to service-oriented careers.

The program also featured inspirational music performed by a choir of VGCC faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members. Soloists included Marisha Hargrove of Henderson and Leonte Parker of Oxford, a student in the Criminal Justice program at the college.

Closing remarks for the program were offered by VGCC Criminal Justice program head William Clements.


Above:  A choir under the direction of VGCC Public Services department chair Steve Hargrove performs during the VGCC Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday program. At far right is soloist and VGCC student Leonte Parker. Seated in front, from left, are VGCC Criminal Justice program head William Clements and VGCC president Stelfanie Williams. (VGCC photo)


Kanika Turrentine delivers remarks during the VGCC Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday program. (VGCC photo)

Above: Kanika Turrentine delivers remarks during the VGCC Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday program. (VGCC photo)