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VGCC Practical Nursing Graduates receive pins

Vance-Granville Community College honored 21 students who have completed its one-year Practical Nursing program during a pinning ceremony on Dec. 16 in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus. Upon receiving diplomas, graduates of the program are eligible to sit for the national exam for licensed practical nurses (NCLEX-PN).


Among the graduates recognized at the ceremony were Lydia Travis of Butner; Brittany Champion of Creedmoor; Colby Johnson and Daniel Ongeri, both of Durham; Charidy Scott of Franklinton; Jamie Clopton and Tonya McLeod, both of Henderson; Susan Collins, Tonya Sneed and Martina Usher, all of Louisburg; Rachel Campbell of Norlina; Wanda Davis, Taja Green and Lillian Lowery, all of Oxford; Kenneth Foy, Lovelyn Imoh and Leonidah Momanyi, all of Raleigh; Rhonda Riley of Stem; Melissa Ramos and Felicia Spruill, both of Warrenton; and Lisa Thomsen of Youngsville.


In her welcoming remarks, Dr. Angela Ballentine, the college’s vice president of academic and student affairs, congratulated the students on completing the rigorous program, which included precepting rotations at local health-care facilities during their final semester. Ballentine said that most members of the class expressed interest in continuing their education to become Registered Nurses, and some have set the goal of obtaining a Master of Science degree in Nursing.


The guest speaker for the program was Estena Bradley, a former LPN who went on to graduate from the VGCC Associate Degree Nursing program . For the past 17 years, she has served as a Nurse Practitioner at Premier Women’s Health Professionals in Henderson. Bradley applauded graduates as they embarked on “a new beginning” and she offered reflections on the profession. “A nurse’s character is as important as the knowledge that he or she learned during nursing school,” she said. “The skills mean nothing if you do not serve the patient from the heart.” Bradley challenged the new nurses to “continue your journey in health care by returning to school.”


VGCC Nursing department chair Erica Jastrow presented academic awards and honors to members of the class. Lydia Travis was recognized for having the highest grade point average among the graduates. Susan Collins, Lovelyn Imoh and Charidy Scott were also honored for having a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The ceremonies concluded with the graduates receiving their distinctive pins, roses and candles.


Finally, instructor Chinauwa Harris led the group in reciting the “Florence Nightingale Pledge” by candlelight.


Above:  Graduates honored at the VGCC Practical Nursing pinning ceremony included, seated, from left: Martina Usher, Felicia Spruill, Taja Green, Tonya Sneed, Rhonda Riley, Lovelyn Imoh, Colby Johnson, Melissa Ramos and Kenneth Foy; standing, from left: Lydia Travis, Wanda Davis, Jamie Clopton, Brittany Champion, Tonya McLeod, Lisa Thomsen, Susan Collins, Charidy Scott, Rachel Campbell, Lillian Lowery and Daniel Ongeri. Not pictured: Leonidah Momanyi.  (VGCC photo)