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VGCC Names 256 To Fall 2003 Dean’s List

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 256 students earned Dean’s List honors for the fall semester that ended Dec. 16, 2003. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to maintain a 3.5 grade-point average and get no grade lower than B while carrying at least 12 semester hours, according to Marsha J. Nelson,  Read More

PN Students Review Fall Events; Plan Busy Spring

If the upcoming spring months are anything like the past fall semester for VGCC Practical Nursing Program students, class members can look forward to a busy time ahead. A number of activities marked the past semester, including a 50/50 raffle that raised funds for graduation and other upcoming events. Linda Hahnel, nursing instructor, was the  Read More

N.C. Education & Training Voucher Program To Offer Funds

The North Carolina Education and Training Voucher (NC ETV) Program offers funds to foster youth and former foster youth to enable them to attend colleges, universities and vocational training institutions. Students may receive up to $5,000 a year for college or job training. The funds may be used for tuition, books, or qualified living expenses.  Read More

Ambassador Spotlight On: Kathryn Ann Terry

Meet Kathryn Ann Terry, student Ambassador for Vance-Granville Community College. A Southern Vance High School graduate, Kathryn decided to attend VGCC with a desire to improve herself. “I became exhausted with being second best when I knew that I could be among the best.” Presently, as a college transfer major, she is looking forward to  Read More

VGCC To Host Celebration For Black History Month On Feb. 15

Black History Month will be celebrated at VGCC on Sunday, Feb. 15, with music, readings and an appearance by a noted African-American restaurateur. Mildred Council, who owns and operates “Mama Dip’s Kitchen” in Chapel Hill, will speak at the observance that begins at 4 p.m. “Mama Dip” is a self-made African-American restaurateur who is internationally  Read More

Seeking Culture? Annual ‘Fair’ Scheduled For Feb. 26

Mark your calendars for Thursday, Feb. 26, for Cultural Fair 2004, an annual event held in the VGCC Civic Center, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. With the anticipation of many countries around the globe being represented, students and the general public will get a first-hand glimpse of the different nations and cultures, with displays and  Read More

VGCC Adds Online Business Courses

Vance-Granville Community College has added six new online courses targeted especially toward management and business administration. Although VGCC already had an extensive library of more than 50 online courses geared exclusively to business administration and management, these new courses will be a valuable addition, said Ann Behar, coordinator of the Computer Center and Online Instruction.  Read More

ADN Graduates Have Great Passing Rate, Again

Beth Phillips, director of Nursing, reports that the May 2003 Associate Degree Nursing graduates of VGCC have again performed super well on the NCLEX exams. Initially, 31 out of 35 passed the exam, an 89 percent passing rate, and earned their RN status. Since then, three of the four who failed have retested and passed.  Read More

Criminal Justice Instructor Wins Granville A+ Award

Louise B. Terry, VGCC Criminal Justice instructor, has been awarded the A+ Award for Employee Excellence, by the Granville County Schools. Terry, who teaches Criminal Justice at J.F. Webb High School and South Granville High School, received the award at ceremonies held Jan. 7 at West Oxford Elementary School. The award was presented to teachers  Read More

VGCC Plans Interior Design Class

A transplanted Philadelphian with 12 years experience working with home designers will teach an interior design course at Vance-Granville Community College, beginning Feb. 5. Jodi Ruser said persons attending the classes will learn about color and how to apply it to create moods and different environments in the home. In addition to concentration on color  Read More