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In Memory

Marie P. Rowland of the Dexter community of Vance County presents $6,000 to Vance-Granville Community College President Robert A. Miller to establish an Academic Achievement Scholarship at the college in memory of her daughter, Robin Rowland, a former Cosmetology instructor at VGCC. The first Robin Rowland Memorial Scholarship of $500 will be awarded to a  Read More

Purolator One Of Many Companies Planning To Be At VGCC Career Day

Purolator Air Filtration Co. of Henderson is one of about 80 companies who will participate in Vance-Granville Community College’s 24th annual Career Day on Wednesday, April 3. Angela Brooks, manager of Human Resources for Purolator plants at 12 locations, said the company has been represented at almost all VGCC Career Days. “And we’ll definitely be  Read More

British Government Representatives Visit VGCC’s Franklin County Campus

They weren’t royalty, but the three British visitors to Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus Monday, Feb. 4, did represent Her Majesty’s Treasury. Joanne Daniels, Sarah Mulley and Simon Ridley came to the United States to get a better idea of how community colleges work with industry to train more productive workers. They were accompanied  Read More

Applications Being Taken For Next Basic Law Enforcement Training At VGCC

Men and women interested in becoming certified law enforcement officers may now apply for enrollment in the next Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) class to begin in January at Vance-Granville Community College. BLET Class 75 will begin Jan. 6, 2003, and will run through May 9. Classes will be held from 8 a.m. to about  Read More

Registration Extended By Inclement Weather; Spring Semester To Begin Thursday, Jan. 10

The snow that fell in the four-county area this week (Jan. 2-3) has delayed registration and the beginning of Spring Semester curriculum classes at Vance-Granville Community College. Registration for Spring Semester curriculum classes has been rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 7; Tuesday, Jan. 8; and Wednesday, Jan. 9, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day.  Read More


Kati Figura of Melket, Hungary, third from right, and her cousin, Paulette Graham, second from right, show examples of Hungarian embroidery done by Figura to one of the Continuing Education quilting classes at Vance-Granville Community College. Figura is visiting Graham, who brought the Hungarian to the class that Graham has been driving from Raleigh several  Read More